The number of porn addicts has reached soaring heights. With sexual content all over the digital media, anyone can fall victim to porn. While watching porn is all about instant gratification, it also comes with its fair share of perils. While most people do not see it as a danger to their social lives and wellbeing, millions are grumbling today with pornography addiction. If you are just getting started or found yourself stuck in porn, this write-up shares some reasons why you need to ditch this habit today.
To Save Your Relationship
Porn addiction can take a toll on your relationship. This is particularly true if you engage in masturbation or other self-pleasuring activities. Watching porn does not only consume the time that you intended to spend together. It might also affect a man’s confidence in bed. A woman, on the other hand, is susceptible to overlooking the role played by the man. In light of this, ditching porn is key to ensuring that you remain focused on your relationship.
Better Sex
This could probably be the first reason why you should avoid porn. Men who watch porn, in particular, are susceptible to erectile dysfunction. Some psychiatric evidence points out that internet pornography distorts sexual functions in men and could ultimately lead to impotence. It is common knowledge that sexual issues are a leading cause of relationship issues. You need to take pornography out of your life to stand a chance of having great sex.
Reduced Stress
Contrary to popular belief that watching porn is satisfying, it has been established that watching porn increases the amounts of cortisol, the stress hormone. Moreover, come to think of the anxiety that comes when you see someone holding your phone out of the fear of ‘being caught.’ Ditching porn undoubtedly leads to the path of having a clean conscience, thus saves you from living in fear.
Promotes Integrity
Integrity is all about walking the talk, even when no one is watching. Watching porn goes a long way in making you live outside your values, and ultimately lying to those who matter to you most. Ditching porn is essential in living a life of integrity. While integrity encapsulates a whole list of attributes, you can always start your journey by ditching porn.
It is understood that millions struggle with porn addiction. However, it is a battle that can be won with ease. You only need to make a decision and seek external support.