low sperm count

How to Boost Sperm Production

Low sperm production is a problem most men face, which could result from several health and lifestyle issues. There are different ways you can manage this condition. You can use supplements to produce more semen or try various lifestyle changes. The quality of semen has nothing to do with the quantity. No, it is rather semen rich in sperm, therefore healthy. It is the quality of the sperm that we are talking about. If you can’t increase your sperm quantity, you can optimize your sperm production.

How to Improve the Quality of Sperm?

Good hygiene will be beneficial to the quality of the sperm, quite simply. For food, choose foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids such as salmon, sardines, mackerel. You can also consume antioxidant foods such as oysters, rich in zinc, raspberries, pecans, apple, artichoke, and prune. In terms of aromatics, you can include turmeric or thyme in your diet.

Fill uplow sperm volume on vitamins E (rapeseed, walnut, or hazelnut oil), vitamin C (citrus fruits, kiwi), vitamin D (fish and shellfish), and vitamin B9 (spinach, cabbage). Exercise regularly, two to three per week for 1 hour; drink plenty of water and get healthy, restful sleep. It is also necessary to evacuate the stress (you can do meditation sessions for this purpose). And finally, avoid what affects the quality of the sperm: alcohol and tobacco mainly.

How to Get More Sperm Naturally?

  1. Drink water regularly;
  2. Avoid the consumption of tobacco, alcohol, or drugs;
  3. Eat a balanced diet based on vegetables or fruits with a high concentration of water;
  4. Take advantage of the sun to stimulate the secretions of testosterone;
  5. Take advantage of forests or seashores to get away from endocrine disruptors;
  6. Play sports regularly;
  7. Avoid excess weight;
  8. Reduce sources of stress;
  9. The quality of sleep;
  10. Herbal remedies based on zinc or Tribulus Terrestris

How to Increase the Quantity of Sperm?

It is necessarysperm best diet to hydrate regularly, have a healthy lifestyle, monitor your testosterone level if the quantity of sperm seems to be decreasing, etc. Indeed, we know that testosterone is the primary male sex hormone: it conditions all our sexuality, including the production of sperm.

A low testosterone level can therefore decrease sperm production. Finally, anything that disturbs the body can affect sex life, including the production of semen. So, avoid consuming alcohol, tobacco, or drugs, do not eat too much fat, stay away from endocrine disruptors as much as possible. Talk to a sex therapist for more advice.


Four Key Benefits of Sex

Sex is a very great thing that ever happened to human beings and even animals. The pleasure that is experienced during sex can be expressed in neither oral nor written form. Sex is proved to have more benefits for us other than just bonding and excitement.

Having sex regularly or at least once after two days is very beneficial to your body and overall healthy living. Some of the great benefits of having regular sex for both men and women include; relieving stress, burning calories and having a soothing and satisfying sleep. Below is a comprehensive explanation on some of the most important benefits of sex for grownups.

Relieves pain

You would be surprised to know that sex is a great way to get relief from pain. When a person is about to experience an orgasm, oxytocin levels rise by about five times in the body which helps in releasing endorphins which are helpful in alleviating pain. Headaches, PMS symptoms, and arthritis pain reduce greatly after a good sex session.

Longer life

This is one of the most important benefits of sex. Satisfying sex or an orgasm releases DHEA in the body which releases tension and enhances immunity levels. It also helps in repairing damaged tissue as well as improves skin health. A study conducted in the UK suggests that men who have at least two orgasms in a week live longer than the ones who do not indulge in sex at all or only do it once in one month.

Reduces stress

A satisfying sexual encounter is a great mood elevator. Most reports have been verified that people who regularly indulge in sexual activities are happier, at ease with them and are better prepared to face any type of stress levels. When you reach an orgasm, oxytocin levels increase in the body which acts as a tension relief agent. Oxytocin also, aids in building a strong emotional bond with your partner. This is the reason why you normally feel an attachment to a person that you have had good sex with.

Enhances Immunity Levels

Having a great sexual intercourse twice or thrice in one week helps to boost your immunity levels. Sexual intercourse enhances your immunity levels because the act increases the levels of immunoglobulin. Immunoglobulin is basically an immunity-boosting antibody that is harnessed by having regular sex with your lovely partner.

Therefore, those people who are sexually active tend to suffer less from conditions like flu and cold because their body is ready to fight any infection that may come up. However, do not think that sex prevents STIs. Make sure you use protection when having sex with a person who you may not know his or her status.

Surprising benefits of casual sex

In this day and age, it is becoming increasingly difficult to work out long-term relationships and marriages. The divorce rate per annum is skyrocketing, and the number of people that are open to casual relationships is increasing every day and night. These happenings can be attributed to a vast array of factors, but cheating tops the list. Cheating or deceitful partners are the leading cause of crumbling unions that were once cherished and envied. The growing rate of cheating partners has made it easier to partake in casual relationships that are devoid of melodrama and emotional tribulations. For fear of getting your heart broken, it is advisable to engage in casual sex.


Casual sex is a sexual encounter with someone that you do not have a romantic relationship with or desire being in one. Such escapades can be assimilated with one night stands and extramarital sex. To most people, the most alluring element of casual sex its hassle-free nature and common understanding between partners. Partners that engage in such an affair know the conditions of the relationship from the onset in order to avoid unnecessary expectations and understanding. The sexual encounter can be on single or multiple occasions, but there is no exclusivity or emotional attachment.

Experts in sexo galicia have measured various benefits of casual sex, and the common ones are elaborated as follows;


Transcending insecurities

As mentioned earlier, casual sex is devoid of feelings and emotional attachment to your partner. In essence, casual sex is carefree, and therefore you are able to express yourself sexually without insecurities or discomfort. In the whole encounter, you are more focused on having a good time rather than letting your insecurities hold you back. In the long-term casual sex will assist you to get over any insecurities that may have previously inhibited your sex life.


You learn more

couple making out Romantic relationships lack adventure and the intention to explore yourselves sexually. Most of the time they lose chemistry and fantasies are never fulfilled. On the other hand, casual sex is all about fulfillment and exploration. Partners are free to try new tastes and techniques without fear of the fear of being judged in a negative light. Consequently, partners are able to learn more about their bodies and sex in general.

Emotional stability

Romantic relations are beleaguered by expectations, duties, and responsibilities which are often difficult to meet. Failure to meet a partner’s expectations will inadvertently lead to emotional instability and turmoil. Conversely, casual sex is just sex, and therefore partners are satisfied sexually and free to concentrate on other hurdles of life with unfettered emotional stability.


Get to Know Sexbot

Sex is a fun area to explore, as long as it makes your happy and it does not harm anyone in the process you should go for it. There are many ways you can have fun with your sexual desire and fantasies from roleplay, using sex toys, fetish, BDSM, and sexbot. If you haven’t heard of sexbot, or you have, but you don’t know anything about it, this article will help you to understand what it is and whether you should try it out or not.

What it Sexbot

girlsSexbot or also known as sex robot is a general definition of a sexual encounter with an artificial human made software or product. Online chat with a bot with the purpose of talking about sex and playing around with a doll or robot that can please you with sex are the examples of what a sexbot can be. Sexbot Love is a popular thing these days that a lot of people get involved in, and you can try it out as well.

Is it for you

There are many reasons why sexbot can be for everyone, and it is a great way to have fun with sex. For those who are single, a reason why sexbot is better both than porn, one night stand, and hiring a sex worker is that even though sexbot is interactive but it does not have the complicated factors of emotions that humans have. There will be no awkward or drama surrounding sexbot. And if you are a couple, you still can have fun with it as long as both you and your partners agree on it.

How to try it out

PCJust like swimming for the first time and sex for the first time, just jump right in. Because there are many ways you can do this, choose whatever form of sexbot that you feel most comfortable first. Take your partner into accounts if you have one, and also consider where and how do you want to do it. If you wish to chat with a bot, still
make sure that no one can look into the conversation in case you want to be private with your sex life and sexual activities.

Things to remember

Sometimes after we do anything sexual from sex, sex talk, watching porn, and playing around with sexbot there is a guilty feeling that follows after. Remember that sex is something that you should feel good and happy about so you should not feel like it’s something to be ashamed for.