
Four Key Benefits of Sex

Sex is a very great thing that ever happened to human beings and even animals. The pleasure that is experienced during sex can be expressed in neither oral nor written form. Sex is proved to have more benefits for us other than just bonding and excitement.

Having sex regularly or at least once after two days is very beneficial to your body and overall healthy living. Some of the great benefits of having regular sex for both men and women include; relieving stress, burning calories and having a soothing and satisfying sleep. Below is a comprehensive explanation on some of the most important benefits of sex for grownups.

Relieves pain

You would be surprised to know that sex is a great way to get relief from pain. When a person is about to experience an orgasm, oxytocin levels rise by about five times in the body which helps in releasing endorphins which are helpful in alleviating pain. Headaches, PMS symptoms, and arthritis pain reduce greatly after a good sex session.

Longer life

This is one of the most important benefits of sex. Satisfying sex or an orgasm releases DHEA in the body which releases tension and enhances immunity levels. It also helps in repairing damaged tissue as well as improves skin health. A study conducted in the UK suggests that men who have at least two orgasms in a week live longer than the ones who do not indulge in sex at all or only do it once in one month.

Reduces stress

A satisfying sexual encounter is a great mood elevator. Most reports have been verified that people who regularly indulge in sexual activities are happier, at ease with them and are better prepared to face any type of stress levels. When you reach an orgasm, oxytocin levels increase in the body which acts as a tension relief agent. Oxytocin also, aids in building a strong emotional bond with your partner. This is the reason why you normally feel an attachment to a person that you have had good sex with.

Enhances Immunity Levels

Having a great sexual intercourse twice or thrice in one week helps to boost your immunity levels. Sexual intercourse enhances your immunity levels because the act increases the levels of immunoglobulin. Immunoglobulin is basically an immunity-boosting antibody that is harnessed by having regular sex with your lovely partner.

Therefore, those people who are sexually active tend to suffer less from conditions like flu and cold because their body is ready to fight any infection that may come up. However, do not think that sex prevents STIs. Make sure you use protection when having sex with a person who you may not know his or her status.