
4 Masturbation Tips for Men

With the amount of pornography that has invaded the Internet, there is a lot of talk today about masturbation. Masturbation is a widespread practice in both sexes. It is not a frequent topic of discussion in most social groups or among friends. Contrary to what doctors and the media claim, a significant percentage of people actually masturbate, especially men. Here, we will talk about four masturbation tips for men.

Set the Mood

The first masturbation tip for men is setting the mood. One way some men do this is by visiting a cam site and watching girls. You can find different cam sites, but many prefer choosing the ones that pay the most to their workers. Information about those sites can be found online. Aside from watching cam sites, other men prefer dimming the lights and turning on some erotic music. This way, they can get a feel of what they are doing.


Purchase Masturbation Toys

The second tip is to purchase some masturbation toys. Today, many companies have made toys that are for masturbation. For men, there are toys formed like a vagina. They are also designed to be as realistic as a vagina. This way, men can feel like they are dealing with the real one. Depending on your budget, you can find good-quality masturbation toys.

Switch Your Hands

The third masturbation tip for men is switching your hands. Most men only use the hand they are comfortable with. Like if they are right-handed, they will use it until the end. If you are right-handed, don’t think you won’t get the same feeling if you masturbate with your left hand; try it once in a while. In fact, the weaker hand helps control the arousal that flows slowly through the body and slows it down. The penis is a fairly adaptable organ and can be moved in different directions without necessarily destroying it.

Apply Some Lubricant

lubricantThe fourth masturbation tip is to apply some lubricant. If you are masturbating for the very first time, you should know that when you masturbate it is important to use a lubricant. Dry masturbating is not fun at all. Some people say that it can be somewhat painful as well. There are many lubricants you can find in the market, but it is essential to purchase one that has good reviews. This way, you will not regret your purchase.

Many men masturbate for different reasons. In fact, there are some who do it every single day. According to studies, masturbating has a lot of benefits. If you are doing it for the first time, follow the tips we have mentioned above. Do you have any tips to share? Let us know in the comments.